The design of the annihilation photon counter in this article can take out the optical signal which got lost in the background noises and then converted into electrical signals. 本文设计的光量子计数器能够把湮没在背景噪声中的信标光信号提提取出来,并转化成电信号。
The process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion involves sending a pump laser beam into a nonlinear material. Occasionally, the nonlinear interaction inside the crystal leads to the annihilation of a high frequency pump photon and the creation of two lower frequency photons named as signal and idler. 自发参量下转换是高频泵浦光与非线性晶体相互作用过程时,湮灭高频泵浦光子,同时产生两个具有纠缠特性的低频信号光子和闲散光子。